Global Perspectives Coaching guides clients in uncovering the subtle patterns and belief structures running their lives. With this new level of discernment and conscious awareness, clients can then determine which habits and beliefs are preventing them from actualizing their potential and achieving their goals and highest aspirations. 

Clarity of purpose hones focus and results in greater impact and aligned well being. 

See what our clients say.

Coaching plans are custom tailored for an individual or organization. Confidentiality, discretion, and mutual trust form the foundation of the coaching agreement. Coaching engagements are typically six to twelve months in duration with recurring meetings held every two to three weeks. Bespoke contracts include intensive strategy and vision setting sessions and off-site 'advances.' [not 'retreats!'] Coaching focuses the client's attention on moving forward and taking immediate steps toward creating a desired future.

Elsie is a Professional Certified Coach trained in the Newfield Network framework and credentialed by the International Coaching Federation. In addition to formal coach training, she completed an eight-month Advanced Mindfulness practitioners program at Google-born Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute and a comprehensive two-year training program, the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program by Sounds True, Awareness Training Institute, and UC Berkeley Great Good Science Center.

In C-suite and leadership coaching and top team engagements, 360 degree assessments are often conducted along with primary interviews to gather and synthesize comprehensive feedback. Ms. Chang is certified in the use of several well-researched and validated psychometric instruments, including:

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